This page is dedicated to some of my favorite charities. One of my greatest passions is to help others. I believe that every part of life is an opportunity to love others without condition. It is my desire to share my blessings with those in need. Sometimes the need can be a simple as a kind word, a listening ear, or a hearfelt prayer. Other times needs are more tangible like providing food, clothing, shelter, and clean water, etc. Whether it be a person down on their luck, a sick child, or an abandoned animal, I believe that we are called to share our resources. There are some pretty amazing people who have followed their calling in helping the less fortunate. These people are my heros and I am ecstatic to share their charities with you! So without further ado, here are some of my favorite charities (in no particular order). I have included a direct link to the website of each charity along with their mission statement and/or description.
Simply click on the link for each charity to go directly to their website...
1. Teal Diva- www.tealdiva.org
Charity Mission Statement (in their own words)...
"The mission of Teal Diva is to celebrate victories, honor memories, empower women, educate the community and fund diagnostic research for ovarian and other gynecologic kancers™."
2. Pet Buddies Food Pantry- www.petbuddiesfoodpantry.org
Charity Mission Statement (in their own words)...
"In these difficult times, many families are faced with the hard decision of giving up their pet, because they can no longer properly care for them. This accounts for millions of pets that are destroyed in county shelters each year in the United States. Pet Buddies hopes to decrease this burden on families in our community by providing pet food, supplies, spay & neuter and education through our community outreach program. Families should not have to choose between feeding themselves or their pets. We are 100% volunteer based and our goal is to make an impact on animals in need. The need for our organization grows every single week."
3. Turn Around Ministries- www.turnaroundkids.org
This is a wonderful ministry that cares for at risk children in the Atlanta area. They receive no government funding and rely soley on donations. They are in the process of remodeling a new housing facility to provide more room for their children. They need funds to complete construction. If you feel led, please click on the link and donate.
4. Never Alone Ministries- www.neveralone.org
Charity Mission Statement (in their own words)...
"Never Alone is located in Woodstock, GA and was founded in 2006 by Lamar Green. Our mission is to provide domestic outreach and relief in the local community. We are blessed for the opportunity to help those in need.
Our Never Alone Outreach Center provides food and gently used clothing to Cherokee County families who are in need."
5. Forever We, Inc.- www.foreverWe.org
Charity Mission/Description (In their own words)...
"OUR MISSION IS TO CHANGE THE WORLD BY CHANGING THE WAY KIDS PLAY. To that end, we have developed a line of dolls and books that speak to some of the unique challenges many children face everyday. Our initiatives include growing healthy kids, supporting foster care/adoption, and eradicating family homelessness. Our first doll, Jewel, supports childhood cancer research. In a world that rewards “me first,” caring and kindness are often hard to spot. Our kids receive the message that they need to look out for #1 and that they can accomplish anything, as long as they work hard and want it badly enough. But we know that isn’t really true."