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Four Questions to Consider When Decorating Your Home or Office

Decorating your home or office can be both fun and overwhelming. Most people know what they like, but struggle with deciding on the best fit for their space. While liking your design choice is a must, it shouldn't be the only deciding factor. I have seen clients waste more money on things that they "like" that don't function or flow with their existing decor or desired design. These purchases were usually made before hiring me. Part of my service, as their interior decorator, is to teach them how to ask the right questions when making decisions about changing or adding to their decor. The following questions can guide you in how to make design choices that are beautiful, functional, wise, and financially sound.

1. Form- The first question to ask when decorating your space is probably the easiest to answer. Do you like it? Your space should be a reflection of you. It should represent your unique tastes and interests. If it is a place of business, then it needs to be consistent with your brand. If you don't like something, then don't buy it. There are so many options, so don't settle for something that doesn't fit your style or brand. While liking your choice is crucial to your design, you can't stop there. There are three more questions to answer before making your choice.

2. Function- Once you have discovered what you like, you need to make sure that your choice will function well in your space. Where will this choice be in your home or office? What activities will you do in this space? Is is durable enough for your needs? Does it need to be easy to clean? For commercial spaces, are there certain regulations that need to be considered? I know that I just listed more questions, but they all relate to the function of your space. In the long run, you are most likely to be happy with design choices that function well for your needs. Now that you have decided on something that you like that functions well for your needs, it is time to consider the next question.

3. Flow- How well does your choice flow with your existing decor/design or how well does it flow with your overall design plan? Good design flows seamlessly from one space to another. Even when playing with contrasting colors and patterns, you still want the overall concept to flow. You may really like something and it may be really functional for your needs, but if it doesn't flow with the rest of your concept, then it isn't the right choice. Trust me on this one. You need to think of the overall finished product and not allow yourself to become fixated on one item. That one item can make or break the overall look! If you have hired a decorator/designer, then listen closely to their advice when considering items or choices and whether or not they flow with the overall concept. Trusting their suggestions can save you a lot time and money. Speaking of money, we are now ready to discuss the final question to ask when making decorating choices for your space.

4. Finance- Okay, so you have found something that you like, it functions well for your space and it flows with the overall concept. Now, does it fit within your budget? You need to consider the overall budget when purchasing items for your space. If you only need to purchase a few items to complete the design, then you may be able to spend a little more. Or, if you are blessed enough to have a large budget, then by all means...go for it. However, don't blow your entire budget on items that will have little impact on the overall aesthetics of your design. Trust your decorator/designer on prioritizing purchases. They have a lot of experience and know how get the biggest bang for your buck. It may help to revisit the function question. You don't want to go so cheap on items that get a lot of use or spaces that see a lot of traffic. Don't sacrifice quality to save a few bucks (because you will just be spending more in replacements or repairs in the future). However, you also don't want to overspend on items that are trendy or that may be going into a space that you don't plan on staying in for very long. For example, don't choose high-end custom finishes on a home, that you plan on selling in the near future, if it isn't going to be reflected in your profit. Also, if you plan on selling, choose finishes that will appeal to the largest market. If you are leasing an office space, spend a majority of your budget on furnishings and fixtures that you can take with you when you decide to move to another space. All of these decisions can be made easier by heeding the advice your decorator/designer. Hiring a good decorator or designer can actually save you money in the long run, so I highly recommend it (if it fits within your budget, of course). If hiring a decorator/designer isn't possible, then keeping these questions in your decorating arsenal should help you get closer to reaching your design goals.

I hope that you find today's blog post helpful! Thank you for taking the time to read it!

Until next time...

{I do my best to proofread my posts, but I am human and sometimes don't catch all of the mistakes. Please excuse any grammatical errors. Thank you!}

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